Ron Larson
“Humans came to the Klamath Basin near the end of the ice age. For 11,000 years, our species lived in relative harmony with nature. But for the past 200 years – we drained, diked, diverted, polluted, plowed and paved it over, so now little remains of what once was so vibrant with life. Yet despite this destruction, the birds still amazingly return, and that gives us a reason for hope to save what we can, and to restore the rest.” …. Ron Larson
Ron is an enthusiastic biologist/naturalist who grew up on the Oregon coast. For the past 25 years, he has lived in Klamath Falls, where he enjoys nature photography in Oregon’s high desert country.
He is a Board member of Klamath Basin Audubon Society (KBAS) & the Oregon Lakes Association (OLA), and an Advisory Board member of Klamath Outdoor Science School (KOSS). At 75, Ron is helping with wetland bird studies at Klamath Marsh NWR – focusing on the secretive Yellow Rail, as well as monitoring Oregon Spotted Frogs at Wood River Wetlands. Ron is also part of a team of scientists studying the effects of climate change on Great Basin lakes. He enjoys giving public presentations to birding & nature groups, & leading bird/botany field trips to his favorite places in Oregon.
Being an avid nature photographer, Ron co-authored “Common Plants of the Upper Klamath Basin,” and wrote “Swamp Song – A Natural History of Florida’s Swamps.” His latest book - “Avocet’s Home” is about the natural history of Lake Abert & nearby areas in southcentral Oregon, especially the thousands of shorebirds that come there each year. The book is due to be published by University of Nevada Press in spring 2023.
Contact info:
Kathy Larson
"I strongly believe that outdoor birding/nature education must combine art with science – both vital components to inspiring bird conservation and the spiritual health of humans, especially kids, as future caretakers of our Planet." …. Kathy Larson
Kathy grew up in Maryland (Chesapeake Bay blue-crab country), where her bedroom window was often opened, even in winter, to watch birds feeding/fluttering/singing in the large maple tree beside the house. But her most vivid birding encounter was on a night “owl” prowl at a 5th grade nature camp, led by noted ornithologist Chan Robins (co-author of the Golden Guide to Field Identification – Birds of North America) who – in the scary woods darkness – called in owls with his cupped hands over his mouth, and real owls answered back! That memorable encounter has driven a life-long love of birds, & a strong commitment to their future well-being.
When her husband, Ron, got a job in Jackson, Mississippi, she helped establish the “Clinton Community Nature Center” – now a celebrated nature park/educational center for all ages. When Kathy moved to Klamath Falls, she instigated/co-founded the outdoor “Migratory Bird Day Festival” (an annual, free family, educational event), as well as initiating the ongoing “Pelicans on Parade (POP!)” bird art, fund-raising project to “Connect Kids to Nature” – bringing 7-foot-high painted pelicans (sculpted by renowned Klamath Falls’ avian artist Stefan Savides, & enhanced by local artists) into the community to highlight the beauty & wealth of bird life in the Klamath Basin.
Kathy is actively involved with community networking groups, creates nature jewelry, and volunteers at the Klamath Art Gallery and the Ross Ragland Theater, as well as supporting the Two Rivers Art Gallery in Chiloquin. She is on the Advisory Board of the Klamath Outdoor Science School (KOSS). Kathy passionately believes that art combined with science, especially in outdoor birding/nature education, is vital to inspiring bird conservation and the spiritual health of humans (especially kids) as the future caretakers of our Planet.
Contact info:
Kathy Larson