Michael Kaibel
“We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”
--Native American proverb
For three decades Michael Kaibel has been a community activist and volunteer in the Klamath Basin. In 2011,
he played a key role in changing the law in Oregon so judges can include animals in domestic violence restraining orders under the Family Abuse Prevention Act. He is the director of Klamath Chapter Hands & Words Are Not For Hurting Project. Hands Project is a globally recognized program for ending violence in our communities, which includes preventing cruelty to animals. He is a proud recipient of the United Way’s Klamath Country Volunteer
of the Year Award.
Michael’s enthusiasm for photography began in 2019 with the acquisition of his first mirrorless camera from Sony. He believes a camera is a great way to focus on the beauty in the world. His journeys into nature are spiritually refreshing and always full of surprises. Michael hopes that our wildlife refuges will be a treasure for generations to come.
“Over the forty years that I have lived in the town of Merrill, I have seen a sharp decline in the food, water, and habitat for waterfowl. This is a call to action I feel the need to answer.”
--Michael L Kaibel

Photo by Michael L. Kaibel

Photo by Michael L. Kaibel

Photo by Michael L. Kaibel

Photo by Michael L. Kaibel