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Friends of Klamath Basin Birds projects

Hover your mouse over the photos to see the bird names and photographer credit. Click any photo to view the slide show at your leisure.

Projects and events that support wild birds in the Klamath Basin will be our priority.


#1 Common Waterbirds of the Klamath Basin

Photographers Mary Williams Hyde and Jack Noller, along with photographer/writer Loree Johnson and writer Shannon Rio of the Klamath Bird Observatory have been working as volunteers for more than a year on creating 2-sided fact sheets for Common Klamath Basin Waterbirds. Creating separate fact sheets led us to realize we had a book too!


Now it's here! 

Included are 59 of the most common species of waterfowl and other water birds found in the Klamath Basin. Each species can be printed as a two-sided, single page fact sheet. The entire book can be downloaded (~10MB pdf) and printed, or loaded into your Kindle or other ebook reader app for viewing on your tablet or mobile device. Click on the image below to download the book.


Appropriate for birders of all ages, from beginning to experienced, you will appreciate the full color photos by Mary Williams Hyde, Loree Johnson and Jack Noller. In addition to the photos, each page is filled with information and fun facts about the birds written by Shannon Rio of Klamath Bird Observatory and Loree Johnson of Friends of Klamath Basin Birding. Together, we hope this book will inspire you to get out there and enjoy the birds!



#2 Comprehensive review of how we promote birding, of the refuges, and of whether the experience of local and out of area visitors to bird the Klamath Basin could be improved.


First thing we will do is survey Facebook pages

of west coast and national birding groups to get feedback on visitor experiences here. 


Second thing we will do is review local services, events, organizations including Travel Klamath, websites and publications....what is working, what is not.


Third thing we will do is to create suggestions for strengthening and coordinating marketing and

the visitor experience so that it we get our fair share of the billion dollar birding tourism industry.


Fourth thing we will do is create a report of our findings for distribution with the questions and concerns we have along with a summary of what we are doing well that does not need improvement.





I am proud to have worked with US Fish and Wildlife's John Fitzroy to produce this colorful educational piece promoting the Junior Refuge Ranger program in 2021.  

– Mary Williams Hyde

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