Fran McDermott
In addition to working as a volunteer day-leader for Golden Gate Raptor Observatory for many years, Fran McDermott organized field trips in the off-season to other raptor-rich destinations, including Klamath Basin. Since moving here in 2014, she has volunteered with Winter Wings, the botulism hospital on the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, winter raptor surveys for East Cascades Audubon and she has cheered on the Butte Valley Swainson’s Hawk study. Fran is also the Pacific Flyway editor for Hawk Migration Studies, published by Hawk Migration Association of North America. She supported her volunteer activities by serving as a volunteer donor coordinator for National Marrow Donor Program for 40 years. She fills in time between birding activities by staffing the Butte Valley Library on Tuesdays and serving on the board of the Friends of Klamath County Library.